Can I Swim After Having Microblading Done?
Swimming can ruin your microblading. How you take care of your eyebrows after your microblading is essential for your end results.
If you rather read, the transcript is below. (Edited for easier reading!)
My name is Hannah Maruyama. I am the owner and master artist, here, at YAMA Studios. A semi permanent makeup studios based, here, in Honolulu, HI.
I am here today to answer some questions that are commonly asked about microblading and semi permanent makeup.
Can I swim if I’ve had microblading done?
No. You shouldn’t swim if you’ve had microblading done. You should avoid all water-based activities: pools, oceans, lakes, hot tubs, even saunas really aren’t wise because you’re not supposed to sweat profusely while you’re going through your healing process.
I promise you that the way that you follow your after care instructions is essential. If you follow your after care instructions, you are much more likely to have a good outcome and a longer lasting outcome. Which you want because you want to get your money’s worth and you want to make sure that you allow your eyebrows to heal properly.
If you’d like to learn more about semi permanent makeup or you’re interested in learning about microblading, as well, click on any of my other videos. If you really want to dive deeper into this world and learn more about it, my book is also linked below. It’s called Before the Blade: What You Need to Know Before Getting Microblading or Semi Permanent Makeup.
Important stuff. It’s a good overview of what to expect, how your appointment’s going to go, how to choose your artist, how to care for your semi permanent makeup, who is a good candidate for it, and just general warnings and cautions, and things you need to know, things that might eliminate you. All kinds of good stuff in there.
So, please subscribe. Like and subscribe. And I will be with all of you again next week.