Does SMP Work For Long Hair?
Now first I think it is important to establish, scalp micropigmentation works for everybody and I do mean that when I say, everybody. There’s no specific hairstyle, skin color, gender that scalp micropigmentation is best for. It is a universal hair loss tool and that’s why it’s so unique.
Scalp micropigmentation is applicable for all different forms, phases, and types of hair loss. This could be used for alopecia, this could be used for scarring, it can be used for density treatment, for diffuse thinning. So a density treatment is basically where I will go through and add basically a layer of scalp micropigmentation in order to create a density and a thicker look to the hair. The point of this is to make sure your hair looks healthier, fuller, and just overall a little bit more volume and depth.
What are the criteria for SMP to work on long hair?
So for scalp micropigmentation to work on long hair, there are no specific criteria. Scalp micropigmentation works best on healthy scalps. So if you have long hair and you have a specific spot, a specific scar, or localized thinning. It’s really easy to add in some scalp micropigmentation and allow it to cover those things.
The same is true if you have long hair with diffuse thinning.
So let’s say you have shoulder length hair but you lost a lot of hair volume, so you’re looking for something to add density to your hair. That would be a perfect opportunity to do a scalp micropigmentation density treatment and the point of this is to go through and just kind of make your hair look a little bit thicker, darker, and reduce the contrast between your scalp and your hair. Now, usually, when you tend to lose hair all over, this can become a little more obvious and scalp micropigmentation is perfect going in there and targeting areas near the part or near certain problem areas. So you don’t have to have short hair for that to work. Actually, it’s best if you have long hair if you need a density treatment.
So there’s two major applications of scalp micropigmentation:
• Density Treatment
One of them is for density as I’ve mentioned and the other one is for complete hairline reconstruction. If you have enough of a hairline and enough hair, you basically just need scalp micropigmentation to go through and make your hair look a little denser and a little bit darker.
• Hairline Reconstruction
However, if you’re missing your front hairline and it has begun to recede or your hair loss is localized at the top or back of your scalp, you’re gonna need a hairline reconstruction and in this case, it’s best to lean in, go ahead and bald your head and then allow scalp micropigmentation to kind of carry and bolster your existing your hair.
Hairstyles such as dreadlocks can cause traction alopecia.
If you have long dreadlocks, dreadlocks can cause traction alopecia, and what is where the weight and the tightness of the dreadlocks when you tighten them and overtime can pull your hairline back and this is actually common in both men and women. There’s no specific gender that has more of a receding hairline due to dreadlocks.
Now traction alopecia can affect anybody. So this is true for any sort of style that’s really tight or people that have been wearing extensions or wigs or other installations where you see that over time the installation or the wig has sort of pulled the hairline back. So that’s where SMP can actually step-in and really recreate the thickness of the hair, make it look darker, make it look healthier, make it look more full.
So there’s no specific hairstyle you need to have when you have long hair and want SMP. That said there are some and certain cases that look a little bit better than others and it’s really hard to know what those are unless you come in and see someone and see what the best for your specific hair situation.
So, that said, I hope this clears up a little bit and kind of helps you understand what sort of hairstyles look best with scalp micropigmentation but also, that it’s really for everybody. It’s a solution for everybody, not just people with really short hair, people with really long hair, or people with in-between hair. Everybody can have it and everybody can gain some benefit from it.
If you want to get in touch with me for a consult, then fill out the contact form below. Let’s see what scalp micropigmentation can do for you!