How long does scalp micropigmentation last?
Today, I am going to answer one of the most frequently asked questions about scalp micropigmentation. And that is: How long does scalp micropigmentation last?
Before reading on, you have to know what scalp micropigmentation is. I talk about what scalp micropigmentation is in detail in another blog post here. For this post, just know that scalp micropigmentation , or SMP, is a revolutionary hair loss solution that gives you the look of hair with hair follicle replication tattoo.
The whole goal of scalp micropigmentation is to get a long lasting hair loss solution.
And as far as they go, scalp micropigmentation is easily:
- the quickest,
- most effective,
- and longest lasting for the time the procedure takes.
So, a given procedure is going to take about, somewhere between 8-12 hours. Depending on how much reconstruction is needed.
Once you have that initial time invested, SMP can last between 5-10 years.
This wide variation comes from a few different factors.
The more sun exposure you get the faster your SMP will fade.
This is a really important point, actually. This is true for both traditional tattoos and SMP. But it does affect SMP more because SMP is much more delicate and is a surface level tattoo compared to regular tattooing.
So, UV exposure, whether that be through a tanning bed or the sun, is the fastest fader of, specifically, SMP. The reason for that, is as I just mentioned, the different application, level of the skin, and size of the tattoos, themselves. So, SMP can last between 5-10 years.
If you live in a region where you do have seasonal changes, so fall and winter you are going to be inside a little bit more and you’re not going to be exposed to the sun as often, when that’s the case your SMP is going to last you longer.
Now, that’s not to say that SMP fades away completely. It doesn’t.
You can bolster your SMP very easily with a touch up appointment.
So, your ultimate foundation of SMP will last you at least 5 years, if not longer. But, the full effect of SMP is going to lessen over time the more UV exposure you have.
So, the main thing you need to remember about SMP is this:
The sun and UV exposure (including tanning beds), is going to fade your scalp micropigmentation the fastest. The more time that you spend in the sun the faster your SMP will fade.
That said, it’s not going to look bad if it fades. If your SMP fades, all you’ll have to do is get a touch up.
So, if you want your initial application to last longer and be bolder you have two options.
- It’s reduce sun exposure. By either using an SPF moisturizer everyday or wearing hats when you’re in the sun for extended periods of time.
- Get a touch up every few years. This is going to make sure that your scalp micropigmentation remains fresh all the time.
If you do these two things, your SMP can last for decades.
It’s easy to extend the life of your SMP once it’s already there. You can very easily add in little applications of SMP in touch up form over the years to extend the life of the SMP.
The foundation is the important part and as long as you don’t extended UV exposure your SMP will last for years.
Scalp micropigmentation is one of the most effective and the longest lasting hair loss solutions.
Many clients are worried about the way scalp micropigmentation fades.
So, they’re worried about the way that scalp micropigmentation is going to fade over time. Now, this is part of the beauty of SMP is it’s designed to age well.
What I mean by that is: the application method and the type of pigment used are designed to fade naturally as time goes on.
So, what you’ve probably seen are older tattoos. The older they are the more carbon or additives were in the tattoo ink. These are two ingredients that add to tattoo fading. These are not present in modern scalp micropigmentation pigment.
This is why I am so serious about making a differentiation between scalp micropigmentation pigment and traditional tattoo ink because they really aren’t the same.
Traditional tattoo ink, over time, can oxidize underneath the skin and can lend itself a blue or greenish tint.
You’ve probably seen it.
If you’re thinking about it now, you’ve seen it before. Scalp micropigmentation does not do this because the pigment itself is designed to be stable and to fade according to the way it’s implanted.
So what I mean by that is when you implant scalp micropigmentation pigment you implant it at a level of the skin with extreme precision in the top most layer of the skin. The specially formulated pigment is designed to not change color over time.
Some of the myths and misinformation about what will fade your SMP or make it change color are as follows:
- Working out will not fade your SMP. Unless you’re working out in the sun with no sun protection.
- Swimming will not fade your SMP. Chlorine and salt water are not going to affect your SMP. Once your SMP heals the barrier of your skin over your healed tattoos is going to protect it from any sort of water.
You’ll notice that a lot of these activities overlap with sun exposure.
So, sometimes people, attribute fading to the action instead of to the sun.
But, the sun is the number one cause of any sort of fading. And the reason that is the sun and the UV rays damage your skin.
When they damage your skin, they damage your SMP because they damage your skin underneath. It’s not just surface level damage. Whereas when you’re talking about hiking, sweating, working out, swimming, none of those things can affect your SMP. And if they do, it’s so minor that it wouldn’t even be noticeable to you.
So, over time the only thing that can really reduce the lasting effect of your SMP is the sun. I keep saying it, but I can’t stress it enough. It’s really just the sun.
If you can protect your SMP from the sun, you’re going to get more life out of it.
If you want to get in touch with me for an in person consult, a virtual consult, or to ask where you can go to get SMP in your area, contact me on our contact page.