When Can I Shower After SMP?
This is far and away one of the most commonly asked questions that I get and it makes sense because everybody showers most of the time every day and so you’re gonna wanna know how your scalp micropigmentation is going to affect your daily routine during the healing process.
So you can actually shower on the first day of your scalp micropigmentation procedure, the thing is you want to avoid scrubbing your scalp, so you can shower a day off but as far as shampooing and then towel drying your head, you’re gonna have to wait until at least the 4th day.
Why can’t I shower with shampoo until the 4th day?
The reason for this is when you do have scalp micropigmentation you’re gonna get thousands of tiny scabs from these tiny hair follicle replications that you’re going to have tattooed onto your scalp and it’s really important at the beginning stage of healing to let them naturally fall off and that’s to pull them away from the scalp within a force which you can generate by scrubbing your scalp too much, using a towel too roughly, you really wanna give them a chance to heal, for the pigment to settle and for the scabs to fall off naturally and this is something that you wouldn’t notice that you have disturbed them because they’re so tiny but that’s why it’s really important these precautionary measures during the healing process.
Can I swim in a pool or beach after SMP?
So as far as when you can shower during SMP, you can shower the same day, I will mention though, in regards to any type of water, showers are the only one that’s acceptable during the 7-day healing process.
The reason for this is because, bacteria can live in all sorts of water sources, like oceans, lakes, ponds, pools, and even whirlpool jacuzzis, even saunas off limits during this time due to the excessive sweating that they can generate and also due to the steam and bacteria that can live in them as well. So it’s really important, but you are only supposed to start washing your head on the 4th day of your scalp micropigmentation procedure but you can shower the same day as long as you keep your scalp out of the water.